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untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA) untitled Waymaker(Monroe & Wabash, Chicago, Illinois, USA)


Alexander M. Lee's work is an attempt to reconcile and reflect the manner in which our era of technological immersion affects the way that we understand and react to pictures. His work begins by experimenting with materiality and examining the 'index' in relationship to realistic structures. This contrasting of the symbolic and the representation is underscored by an understanding of how we, as a culture, have historically used and conceptualized the nature of images. Pictures can leave us feeling alienated and numb. In our technological era, systems and devices constantly mediate our experience, to such a degree that one cannot help but feel isolated and distant from the world. Our perception of reality is ultimately undermined by the mediums through which we conceive it. Lee's work attempts to delineate the moments of our misperception, to draw a frame around the things that we know to be true and the things that we merely accept as such.

He currently resides in Chicago, USA

More information can be found at his personal site AlexMLee.com.